Mark Twain's Book of Animals (Jumping Frogs: Undiscovered, Rediscovered, and Celebrated Writings of Mark Twain)【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
Mark Twain's Book of Animals (Jumping Frogs: Undiscovered, Rediscovered, and Celebrated Writings of Mark Twain)Longtime admirers of Mark Twain are aware of how integral animals were to his work as a writer, from his first stories through his final years, including many pieces that were left unpublished at his death. This beautiful volume, illustrated with 30 new images by master engraver Barry Moser, gathers writings from the full span of Mark Twain's career and elucidates his special attachment to and regard for animals. What may surprise even longtime readers and fans is that Twain was an early and ardent animal welfare advocate, the most prominent American of his day to take up that cause. Edited and selected by Shelley Fisher Fishkin, who has also supplied an introduction and afterword, Mark Twain's Book of Animals includes stories that are familiar along with those that are appearing in print for the first time.Dimensions: 24.33 x 16.97 x 2.67 centimetres (0.52 kg)マーク・トウェインの長年の憧ire者は、彼の死後未発表のまま残された多くの作品を含めて、彼の最後の年を通して彼の最初の物語からライターとしての彼の仕事に不可欠な動物がいかにあったかを認識しています。
マスター彫刻家、バリー・モーザー(Barry Moser)の30枚の新しいイメージで描かれたこの美しい作品は、マーク・トウェインのキャリアの全面的な著作を集め、動物への特別な愛着を明らかにする。
寸法:24.33 x 16.97 x 2.67センチメートル(0.52 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。